We've got the neck to do it. |
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Are you people for real?
A: Of course not. To stave off people emailing us asking what we're all about, we decided to make up a pack of lies.
Q: Is the gizzard.com domain for sale?
A: No.
Q: What is a gizzard anyway?
A: It is a part of an animals's alimentary canal used for grinding up food. All birds have a gizzard, but so do a number of other animals, including fish, reptiles, insects, molluscs and worms.
Q: How does a gizzard work?
A: Birds swallow small stones and grit, which they keep in their gizzard, which is a very muscular "stomach". The muscular action in the stomach then grinds the birds food, before it passes in the rest of the alimentary canal.
Q: You could do with some proper web design services. Can I sell you some?
A: No.
Q: What made you think of creating a site called gizzard.com?
A: Probably the same pattern of random noodling that prompted you to see if there was a site with this name.
Q: I really want a site called gizzard, but you got there first. I know you said it's not for sale, but can I buy it? Please?
A: No.
Q: Not even if I offered you a lot of money for it?
A: Now we're talking! Although not for sale, and currently in use as a development tool, we are of course open to foolish offers of large amounts of cash.
Q: What's your idea of a large amount of cash?
A: Probably the same as yours. If you really must persist, try making an offer and find out if your idea of large coincides with ours.
Q: I'm in the market for some gizzards. Will you sell me some?
A: No, we dont actually sell gizzards. Sorry about that. We would be delighted to sell you some Gizzard.com branded clothing though, if you're feeling a bit giddy.
Q: I'm a random psycho, and I hate you for no good reason. How should I go about annoying you?
A: Amazingly, just by existing we manage to piss off a fairly large amount of random psychos, who feel compelled to send us angry emails demanding such things as control of the website, our immediate cessation of any kind of gizzard related tomfoolery, or threats of violence. So if you're another random psycho, rest assured that we've already been properly told off. If you still feel the need to rant, use the rant contact in the contact us section. If you make any threats though, be warned that we will complain to your internet service provider.