The Bronze Eye on the Prize
For the thrifty manager, who has carefully marshalled the company resources during the year. You've worked hard to deliver value all year long, and now you've slightly undershot your budget. This should be no real problem, but you've heard those idiots in accounts are hunting for savings next year, and are keeping an eye out for projects which are overfunded. You know your project isn't overfunded - its just those invoices are delayed by the incompetent suppliers those accounts fools made you use, despite your protests. If they take that money back now, you'll be over budget this year when the invoices show up, and underfunded next year.
The Bronze Eye on the Prize is a simple product, geared towards a once off spend requirement. We send in a letter from a hotel or restaurant used by your company early in the year, complaining bitterly of the gross misuse of the toilet faclilities by one of your employees. The letter will contain graphic descriptions of horrific defacement, implying scatological perversion on an impressive scale. The bill for cleaning the ruined facilities will neatly dovetail with your small budget underrun. We guarantee that this is the only neat part of this little number!
Should the accounts drones quesion any of this, we'll supply a supplementary demand for payment accompanied with doctored photographs of such stunning and stomach churning depravity that they'll pay just to be able to hold onto next weeks lunch.